Design & Food Tech

Year 7

Rotation 1

Health and safety in a workshop: Bloc Bot

  • Pupils will begin their investigation into the safe working practice within a workshop.

    Learning how to use the different types of machinery and equipment.

  • What pupils should know by the end of this topic/theme.

    Pupils will be able to:

    Work safely within the workshop and use a range of tools and machinery.

    Design and make a creative bloc bot using wood and acrylic.

  • How to use tools correctly for to create a quality finished product.

    How to fix components together using a range of fixing methods.

    How to organise their time efficiently whilst sharing resources.

    Identify and solve their own problems.

  • What pupils will do in order to gain the knowledge and skills.

    Make a finished product in the form of a bloc bot.

  • What prior learning is necessary for pupils to be successful / what concepts will be revisited.

    Drawing and design skills form KS2.

  • The ideas pupils will understand and the words they will be able to use.

    Students will understand the process of design and make from start to finish.

    Design and make Process: Design, make, isometric drawing, quality product,

    Tools, machinery and materials: Coping saw, pillar drill, tenon saw, sandpaper, vice, hand file, band-facer, dowel, pine wood, acrylic.

Rotation 2

Health and safety in a workshop: Moving Vehicle

  • Pupils will begin their investigation into the safe working practice within a workshop.

    Learning how to use the different types of machinery and equipment. Working to a design brief.

  • What pupils should know by the end of this topic/theme.

    Pupils will be able to:

    Work safely within the workshop and use a range of tools and machinery.

    Design and make a creative bloc bot using wood and acrylic.

  • How to use tools correctly for to create a quality finished product.

    How to fix components together using a range of fixing methods.

    How to create movement.

    Test and evaluate their product against the specification and design brief.

  • What pupils will do in order to gain the knowledge and skills.

    Make a finished product in the form of a bloc bot.

  • What prior learning is necessary for pupils to be successful / what concepts will be revisited.

    Drawing and design skills form KS2.

  • The ideas pupils will understand and the words they will be able to use.

    Students will understand the process of design and make from start to finish.

    Design and make Process: Design, make, isometric drawing, quality product,

    Tools, machinery and materials: Coping saw, pillar drill, tenon saw, sandpaper, vice, hand file, band-facer, dowel, pine wood, acrylic.

Project 1

Theme: Kitchen Experts

  • Students will Complete a 9/10 Week Project .

    They will demonstrate practical preparation skills using a variety of hand and electrical equipment to combine ingredients. They will prepare hot and cold foods showing a variety of different preparation and cooking skills.

    Theory lessons will focus on the safety in the kitchen, how to reduce risks, use and care of equipment, how bacteria grow and multiply, and how to reduce the danger of bacteria in the kitchen by safe storage and cooking of ingredients.

  • What pupils should know by the end of this topic/theme .

    How to use knives and cookers safely. They will know the conditions bacteria need to grow and multiply, why this causes danger in the kitchen and how to prevent that danger.

    They have a basic knowledge of how to prepare a range of ingredients using different pieces of equipment.

  • Practical preparation of ingredients using basic skills such as cutting, dicing, measuring, stirring, and shaping, through to more complex skill with coating in breadcrumbs, skewering, steaming, and baking.

  • What pupils will do to gain the knowledge and skills.

    Learning tasks place through a variety of theory and practical tasks. They will use group discussion, watch videos and demonstrations, and take part in role playing activities.

    They will use the food technology rooms for the authentic experience of handling, preparing, and cooking a range of ingredients.

  • What prior learning is necessary for pupils to be successful / what concepts will be revisited.

    This is students first secondary project in Food Technology. They will have a widely differing experience of food preparation methods depending on primary schools and cooking experience at home.

    Students should recognise most of the equipment and ingredients, but also be introduced to new techniques and ingredients.

  • The ideas pupils will understand and the words they will be able to use.

    Bridge and claw grip for cutting with a sharp knife, use of the cooker and oven gloves, steaming, coating, baking, cross-contamination, safe storage, key temperatures.

  • Recipes and challenge questions will be set on a fortnightly basis to consolidate learning from the classroom and allow students the opportunity to practise skills they have learnt in the classroom.

    Students choose from either a practical task that repeats skills that have been learnt at school, or a set of challenge questions that explore the theory topics in more detail.