Year 8
Half Term 1
History of Theatre
Pupils will study a timeline of theatre history, beginning with the Greeks. Enables students to embrace opportunities beyond the curriculum to develop their love of learning.
Pupils will study key practitioners from theatre history to develop their own repertoire of styles to employ in future performance work.
Pupils will use scripts from each era to demonstrate the style required. They will investigate and explore: Greek theatre, Elizabethan theatre, Restoration theatre, Naturalism and Theatre of the Absurd.
Pupils will continue working safely in the studio. They will revisit key skill learnt in Year 7 such as freeze, thought tracking and narration.
Pupils will complete quizzes each week on new information from each era.
They will rehearse, perform their own work & evaluate that of others as well as their own.
Chorusing, slapstick, timing, Greek theatre, Elizabethan theatre, Restoration, Naturalism, Theatre of the Absurd.
Visit the theatre, watch live performances online, read fiction, and keep abreast of current affairs.
Extra-curricular opportunities are integral to our curriculum, we will be offering a whole school production.
Half Term 2
The Caucasian Chalk Circle-Brecht
Pupils will explore the style of Epic Theatre via the practitioner Brecht using one of his plays.
Pupils will be able to understand what constitutes the style of Brecht by learning key features about Epic Theatre.
Use the play to demonstrate their understanding of Epic Theatre through: placards, summarising key moments in the plot, breaking the fourth wall, narrating in the third person and exploring the idea of a good parent. Establishes strong behaviour for learning principles.
Pupils will work safely in the studio. They will learn about a new practitioner and the impact Brecht has had on modern theatre.
Pupils will complete quizzes on the context of the plot and key features of Brecht’s style to ensure they understand key information on characters before they rehearse and perform their own work & evaluate it.
Placards, Alienation/ V Effect, Episodic, theme, exaggeration, stage directions, fourth wall, third person, status.
Visit the theatre, watch live performances online, read fiction, and keep abreast of current affairs.
Watch productions of The Caucasian Chalk Circle on YouTube.
Extra-curricular opportunities are integral to our curriculum, we will be offering a Musical Theatre club and whole school production.
Half Term 3
Treasure Island
Pupils will explore the theme of pirates through the play Treasure Island.
Pupils will be able to understand the protagonist Jim’s journey and changing allegiances.
Use the play to explore the concept of good vs bad via the pirates and the Dr etc. Pupils will: predict what will happen in the play after the opening scene, create a battle of status between opposing characters, evoke empathy, portray friendship and conflict, remember key lines, depict how the Admiral Benbow crew escape from the Hispaniola crew and apply understanding of the resolution of the play.
Pupils will work safely in the studio. They will revisit their use of working on and off texts regarding a published play. Secure understanding of characterisation, creating from a stimulus, and stereotypes.
Complete weekly quizzes/ challenge questions on the context of the play. They will watch clips for the National Theatre production as a stimulus. Pupils will rehearse and perform their own work. They will complete self & peer evaluation each week in order to improve their stage presence.
Foreshadowing, flash forward, mark the moment, status, chorusing, set, off text, thought tracking.
Levels, hero, villain, resolution.
Visit the theatre, watch live performances online, read fiction, and keep abreast of current affairs.
Full show: Treasure Island
Extra-curricular opportunities are integral to our curriculum, we will be offering a Musical Theatre club and whole school production.
Half Term 4
Storm Breaker
Pupils will explore the spy genre using Antony Horowitz’s novel.
Pupils will be able to understand the character of Alex Rider.
Pupils will use the novel to explore the spy genre. They will: examine the talents, skills and physical attributes a spy has, consider the MI5 organisation, utilize misdirection on stage, recreate a training camp for spies, explore the intentions of a villain.
The topic builds on the foundation laid in Year 7 – Spy School. Pupils develop their understanding and appreciation of different performance styles and genres.
Rehearse, perform their own work & evaluate that of others as well as their own.
Thought tracking, characterisation, villain, gadget, physicality, flash back, misdirection .
Visit the theatre, watch live performances online, read fiction, and keep abreast of current affairs.
Storm Breaker movie/ book
Extra-curricular opportunities are integral to our curriculum, we will be offering a Musical Theatre club and whole school production.
Half Term 5
A Monster Calls
Pupils will analyse the themes and characters in the play. They will understand what a fable is and explore the idea of characters being multi-faceted not wholly bad or good.
Pupils will be able to understand the protagonist’s experience of life and empathise with him.
Pupils will: explore the concept of a motif, build tension on stage, focus on positioning and the correct terms for this on stage, consider the impact bullying has, apply a moral in their own performances, identify and apply climax, include chorusing.
Pupils will work safely in the studio. They will revisit their use of working on and off texts regarding a published play.
Pupils will complete quizzes on prior learning and new information on key characters. Rehearse, perform their own work & evaluate that of others as well as their own.
Positioning, levels, atmosphere, tension, apothecary, yew tree, bully, monster, chorusing, climax, moral, motif.
Visit the theatre, watch live performances online, read fiction, and keep abreast of current affairs.
A Monster Calls movie/ play.
Extra-curricular opportunities are integral to our curriculum, we will be offering a Musical Theatre club and whole school production.
Half Term 6
Pupils will respond to a new stimulus each week.
Pupils will be able to explore a range of stimuli and justify their creative decisions.
Pupils will: modernise a plot, respond to real events such as Roswell, create from the themes of running away, superstition, blank canvas and graffiti. They will utilize lyrics to generate fresh ideas.
Pupils will work safely in the studio. They will employ their knowledge of practitioners and styles to inform their devising.
Rehearse, perform their own work & evaluate that of others as well as their own.
Positioning, levels, atmosphere, tension, rival, chorusing, consequence.
Pupils are taught team-working skills, listening skills and performance and presentation skills.
Visit the theatre, watch live performances online, read fiction, and keep abreast of current affairs.
What is a stimulus: Bitesize
Extra-curricular opportunities are integral to our curriculum, we will be offering a Musical Theatre club and whole school production.