Year 7
Half Term 1
Number Sense, Directed Numbers, Operations
Number Sense
Written methods of arithmetic and mental maths.
Place Value applied to powers of 10.
Rounding to significant figures.
Directed Numbers
Addition and Subtraction of negative numbers.
Multiplication and Division of negative numbers.
Problem-solving with negative numbers.
Written methods for different operations.
Order of operations (BIDMAS).
Problem-solving, including working out missing operations.
Number Sense
Product - Multiplication
Integer – whole number
Power of 10 – 10, 100, 1000, etc.
Significant Figure – start counting from the first non-zero number
Directed Numbers
Negative – a number less than zero
Indices – powers
Operation – eg: ×,÷,+,−, etc.
Binary operation – an operation involving two numbers
You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.
For extra support on rounding to significant figures follow this link:
For extra support on adding and subtracting with negative numbers follow this link:
For extra support on the order of operations (BIDMAS) follow this link:
Half Term 2
Multiples and Factors, Scales, Units & Time, Expressions, Linear Equations
Multiples and Factors
Multiples and Factors
Primes and prime factors
Scales, Units & Time
Metric Units
Converting time
Reading timetables
Basic operations with algebra
Expanding and simplifying
Factorise expressions
Linear Equations
Inverse operations
Solving equations
Forming and solving equations
Multiples and Factors
Multiple – eg: multiples of 3 are 3, 6, 9, 12,…
Factor – eg: factors of 10 are 1, 2, 5, 10
Prime – a number which has exactly 2 factors
Scales, Units & Time
Metric – a system of measurement in base 10
Metre – metric unit for distance
Gram – metric unit for mass
Expand – multiply
Factorise – to pull out a common factor from an expression
Linear Equations
Solve – to find the value of x
Inverse – operations have the opposite effect – eg + and -
Rearrange – to manipulate algebraically
You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.
For extra support on prime factors follow this link:
For extra support on factorising expressions follow this link:
For extra support on solving linear equations follow this link:
Half Term 3
Angle Facts, Properties & Symmetry, Comparing Data
Angle Facts
Measuring angles
Geometry notation
Angle rules involving parallel lines
Properties & Symmetry
Properties of circles
Properties of triangles
Properties of quadrilaterals
Comparing Data
Averages for discrete data
Comparing averages for discrete data
The measure of spread for discrete data
Angle Facts
Protractor – measuring tool to measure angles (in degrees)
Parallel lines – two lines that will not meet
Transversal – a line that cuts a pair of parallel lines
Properties & Symmetry
Line of symmetry – a line which cuts a shape exactly in half
Rotational symmetry – how many times a shape looks the same as its starting position when rotated 360 degrees
Quadrilateral – four-sided shape
Comparing Data
Averages – mean, mode, median
Measure of spread – range (largest value minus the smallest value)
Discrete Data – data that can only take certain values (not continuous)
You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.
For extra support on angles in parallel lines follow this link:
For extra support on rotational symmetry follow this link:
For extra support on the mean average for discrete data follow this link:
Half Term 4
Charts, Manipulating Fractions
Drawing and interpreting pictograms
Drawing and interpreting bar charts
Drawing and interpreting pie charts
Manipulating Fractions
Equivalence and Ordering
Adding and subtracting mixed fractions
Applying to functional problems
Pictogram – a diagrammatical way of displaying data
Bar chart – a graph consisting of bars equally spaced out
Pie chart – displays data by splitting a circle into proportional sectors
Manipulating Fractions
Simplify – making a fraction as simple as possible
Mixed fraction – consists of a whole number and a fraction
Improper fraction – (top heavy) the numerator is larger than the denominator
You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.
For extra support on drawing pie charts follow this link:
For extra support on interpreting pie charts follow this link:
For extra support on adding and subtracting fractions follow this link:
Half Term 5
Perimeter & Coordinates
Converting metric units
Compound shapes and polygons
Circles and sectors
Coordinates in all four quadrants
Drawing lines in the form x=a and y=b
Line segments and midpoints
Metric units – units of measurement in base 10
Perimeter – distance around the outside of a shape
Sector – a fraction of a circle
Quadrant – the four sections which are divided by the x and y axes
Line segment – finite part of a line
Midpoint – the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment
You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.
For extra support on converting metric units of length follow this link:
For extra support on arc lengths of sectors follow this link:
For extra support on the midpoint of a line segment follow this link:
Half Term 6
FDP, Reflections & Rotations, Congruent Triangles
Converting between fractions, decimals & percentages
Ordering fractions, decimals & percentages
Reflections & Rotations
Describing and drawing reflections
Describing and drawing rotations
Congruent Triangles
Constructing triangles
Understanding the conditions to prove congruence
Ascending – to get larger in value
Descending – to get smaller in value
Common denominator – to have the same bottom number on fractions
Reflections & Rotations
Reflection – an image as it would be seen in a mirror
Rotation – a circular movement
Image – the name given to an object after it has been reflected or rotated
Congruent Triangles
Congruent - identical
Construct - to draw shapes accurately using a ruler, compass and protractor
You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.
For extra support on converting between fractions, decimals and percentages follow this link:
For extra support on rotations follow this link:
For extra support on congruent triangles follow this link: