
Year 8 C

Half Term 1

Manipulating Fractions, Expressions, Linear Equations, Formulae and Functions 

  • Manipulating Fractions

    Fractions of quantities

    Ordering fractions

    Adding/Subtracting fractions


    Collecting like terms

    Expanding a single bracket

    Factorise expressions

    Linear Equations

    Solving 2 step equations

    Solving equations with unknowns on both sides

    Apply to geometric problems

    Formulae and Functions

    Function machines


    Rearranging formulae

  • Manipulating Fractions

    Denominator – the bottom number of a fraction

    Numerator – the top number of a fraction

    Common Denominator – same denominator on two fractions


    Collect Like Terms – adding terms with the same letter

    Expand – multiply

    Factorise – to pull out a common factor from an expression

    Linear Equations

    Solve – find the value of x

    Inverse operation – opposite operations eg. add and subtract

    Formulae and Functions

    Formula – has inputs and outputs

    Functions - ×,÷,+,−,√

    Make the subject – get one letter on its own on one side of the equation

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on adding and subtracting fractions follow this link:

    For extra support on expanding brackets follow this link:

    For extra support on solving equations follow this link:

Half Term 2

Linear Sequences, Percentages,  Linear Graphs 

  • Linear Sequences

    Arithmetic and Geometric

    Position to term rules

    Pictorial Sequences


    Percentages of Amounts

    Percentage Increase and Decrease

    Percentage change and reverse percentages

    Linear Graphs

    Using tables of values to plot linear graphs

    Calculate the gradient of a line

    Using the equation of a line to construct a linear graph and to write the equation given the graph.

  • Linear Sequences

    Arithmetic sequence– A sequence which progresses by adding or subtracting a constant value.

    Geometric sequence – A sequence which progresses by multiplying or dividing by a constant value.

    Term – an element in the sequence


    Profit/Loss – The difference between the money spent and the money earned from a sale

    Depreciation – A loss in value.

    Percentage – Parts per 100

    Linear Graphs

    Y Intercept – The intersection of the graph and the y-axis.

    Gradient – the rate of change of x as y increases (a measure of steepness).

    Parallel – having the same gradient

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on finding the nth term of an arithmetic sequence follow this link:

    For extra support on percentage increase and decrease follow this link:

    For extra support on the equation of a line follow this link:

Half Term 3

Linear Graphs, Area, Bounds,  Bearings  

  • Linear Graphs

    Plot linear graphs

    Calculate the gradient of a line

    Find the equation of a line


    Find the area of basic shapes

    Calculate the area of a circle

    Convert metric units of area


    Find upper and lower bounds

    Understand error intervals

    Calculations with bounds


    Interpret map scales

    Draw and measure bearings

    Use angle facts to calculate bearings

  • Linear Graphs

    Gradient – How steep a line is

    Linear graph – The graphical representation of a straight line. It illustrates a linear equation E.g, y=4x+2

    y-intercept – The point where a line or curve crosses the y-axis of a graph


    Metric – A system of measuring lengths, masses, and capacity. E.g. millimetres, kilograms, cubic metres

    π(pi) - A special number representing the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter

    Sector – A part of a circle made between two radiuses and the connecting arc of a circle


    Upper Bound - A value that is greater than or equal to every number in a set

    Lower Bound – A value that is less than or equal to every number in a set

    Truncate – To cut off


    Bearing – The angle in degrees measured clockwise from North

    Scale – The ratio of the length in a drawing or model to the length in the real thing

    Clockwise - Moving in the direction of the hands on a clock

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on plotting linear graphs follow this link:

    For extra support on finding the area of a circle follow this link:

    For extra support on bearings follow this link:

Half Term 4

Bearings, Area 

  • Bearings

    Scale drawings

    Measure and draw bearings

    Solve functional problems involving bearings


    Area of basic shapes

    Area of circles and parts of circles

    Compound area problems

  • Bearings

    Scale – The ratio of length in a drawing to the length in real life

    Bearing – The angle in degrees measured clockwise from North

    Clockwise – The direction that the hands on a clock travel.


    Perpendicular Height – The length which is at a right angle to the base of a shape.

    Area – The amount of space within the perimeter of a 2D space

    Compound Shape – A shape made up of two or more geometric shapes.

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on Bearings follow this link:

    For extra support on the area of circles follow this link:

    For extra support on the area of compound shapes follow this link:

Half Term 5

Probability – Single Events Ratio Plans and Properties 

  • Probability – Single Events

    Using the probability scale

    Basic probability and mutually exclusive events

    Relative frequency and expectation


    Simplifying and equivalent ratio

    Dividing into a ratio

    Solving problems with ratio

    Plans and Properties

    Names of 3D shapes and their properties

    Plans and front and side elevation

    Representing 3D shapes on isometric paper

  • Probability – Single Events

    Mutually Exclusive – Both events cannot occur at the same time

    Event – A set of outcomes of an experiment

    Outcome – A possible result of an experiment or trial


    Equivalent Ratio – Ratios which can be simplified to the same ratio

    Simplify – To reduce both parts of the ratio to the smallest integer value possible

    Factor – Numbers that divide a number leaving no remainder

    Plans and Properties

    Vertex – The point where two or more edges meet

    Plan – A 2D representation of a 3D object as seen from a bird’s eye view

    Face – A flat or curved surface on a 3D object

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on basic probability follow this link:

    For extra support on sharing into a ratio follow this link:

    For extra support on solving equations follow this link:

Half Term 6

Translation and Vectors, Nets and Surface Area 

  • Translation and Vectors

    Performing and Describing translations using column vectors

    Manipulating vectors

    Combining Transformations

    Nets and Surface Area

    Nets of cuboids

    The surface area of cuboids

    Nets and surface area of 3D shapes

  • Translation and Vectors

    Translate – To move each vertex of a shape by the same distance in space

    Column Vector – A representation of direction with the horizontal component on top and vertical component on the bottom

    Congruent – All angles and side lengths being the same

    Nets and Surface Area

    Net – A 2D shape which can be folded to form a 3D shape

    Surface Area – The sum of the area of all faces on a 3D object

    Cuboid – A rectangular prism (two congruent rectangles where each corresponding edge is joined with another rectangle)

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on Translations with Vectors follow this link:

    For extra support on nets of 3D shapes follow this link:

    For extra support on surface area of cuboids follow this link: