
Year 8 E

Half Term 1

Indices, FDP, Formulae and Functions, Linear Sequences 

  • Indices

    Rules of indices

    Fractional and negative powers

    Solving equations with algebraic powers


    Convert between fractions, decimals and percentages

    Ordering fractions, decimals and percentages

    Formulae and Functions

    Function machines


    Rearranging formulae

    Linear Sequences

    Types of sequences

    Finding the nth term

    Generating a sequence

  • Indices

    Indices – powers

    Base – the number that gets multiplied when using powers

    Exponent – power


    Ascending – Arranged from smallest to largest

    Descending – Arranged from largest to smallest

    Integer – whole number

    Formulae and Functions

    Formula – has inputs and outputs

    Functions - ×,÷,+,−,√

    Make the subject – get one letter on its own on one side of the equation

    Linear Sequences

    Term – a number or pattern in the sequence

    Linear – increasing by the same amount each time

    nth Term – position to term rule (the rule that lets you find any term quickly)

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on the rules of indices follow this link:

    For extra support on rearranging formulae follow this link:

    For extra support on finding the nth term of a linear sequence follow this link:

Half Term 2

Multiplying Frac & Dec, Percentages, Correlation 

  • Multiplying Frac & Dec

    Multiplying fractions

    Multiplying decimals

    Dividing fractions and decimals


    Finding percentages of amounts

    Percentage increase and decrease

    Percentage change


    Plot points on a scatter graph and draw lines of best fit

    Understand positive and negative correlation

    Interpret relationships and predict values from a scatter graph

  • Multiplying Frac & Dec

    Mixed number – consists of a whole part and fractional part

    Integer – whole number

    Simplified – a fraction where the numerator & denominator are as small as possible


    Percent – Parts per 100

    Depreciation – A loss in value over time

    Per annum – For each year


    Correlation – when two sets of data are strongly linked together we say they have a High Correlation

    Line of best fit – A line on a graph showing the general direction that a group of points seem to follow

    Outlier – A value that “lies outside” most of the other values in a set of data

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on converting fractions to decimals follow this link:

    For extra support on percentage increase and decrease follow this link:

    For extra support on plotting scatter graphs follow this link:

Half Term 3

Linear Graphs, Area, Bounds, Bearings  

  • Linear Graphs

    Plot linear graphs

    Calculate the gradient of a line

    Find the equation of a line


    Find the area of basic shapes

    Calculate the area of a circle

    Convert metric units of area


    Find upper and lower bounds

    Understand error intervals

    Calculations with bounds


    Interpret map scales

    Draw and measure bearings

    Use angle facts to calculate bearings

  • Linear Graphs

    Gradient – How steep a line is

    Linear graph – The graphical representation of a straight line. It illustrates a linear equation E.g, y=4x+2

    y-intercept – The point where a line or curve crosses the y-axis of a graph


    Metric – A system of measuring lengths, masses, and capacity. E.g. millimetres, kilograms, cubic metres

    π(pi) - A special number representing the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter

    Sector – A part of a circle made between two radiuses and the connecting arc of a circle


    Upper Bound - A value that is greater than or equal to every number in a set

    Lower Bound – A value that is less than or equal to every number in a set

    Truncate – To cut off


    Bearing – The angle in degrees measured clockwise from North

    Scale – The ratio of the length in a drawing or model to the length in the real thing

    Clockwise - Moving in the direction of the hands on a clock

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on plotting linear graphs follow this link:

    For extra support on finding the area of a circle follow this link:

    For extra support on bearings follow this link:

Half Term 4

Frequency Tables, Plans and Properties, Nets and Surface Area 

  • Frequency Tables

    Construct frequency tables

    Find the range, mean, mode and median from a frequency table

    Calculate an estimate of the mean from a grouped frequency table

    Plans and Properties

    Identify the number of faces, edges and vertices of a 3D shape

    Draw plan, side and front elevations of 3D shapes

    Use isometric paper to draw 3D shapes

    Nets and Surface Area

    Draw nets of 3D shapes

    Calculate the surface area of different prisms

    Calculate the surface area of cylinders

  • Frequency Tables

    Frequency – How often something happens

    Midpoint – Exactly halfway between 2 values

    Estimate – To find a value that is close enough to the right answer

    Plans and Properties

    Face – Any of the individual flat surfaces of a solid object

    Edge – A line segments where two faces meet

    Vertex – A point where two or more line segments meet

    Nets and Surfaces Area

    Net – A pattern that you can cut and fold to make a model of a solid shape

    Surface Area – The total area of the surface of a three-dimensional object

    Cross-section – The shape made when a three-dimensional shape is cut through parallel to the base

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on finding the mean from a frequency table follow this link:

    For extra support on the drawing plan, front and side elevations follow this link:

    For extra support on finding the surface area of a cylinder follow this link:

Half Term 5

Inequalities (Linear), Quadratics, Single Events, Ratio 

  • Inequalities (Linear)

    Understand inequality notation

    Use number lines to represent inequalities

    Solve inequalities


    Expand double brackets

    Factorise quadratic expressions

    Solve quadratic equations

    Single Events

    Calculate the probability of outcomes of events

    Calculate the probability of an event not happening

    Calculate experimental probabilities


    Simplify ratios

    Share ratios in different contexts

    Problem-solving with ratio

  • Inequalities (Linear)

    Inequality – An inequality compares two values. We use the following symbols <, ≤, >, ≥

    Integer – Whole number

    Satisfy – A value, or values, that solve an equation


    Factorise – Finding what to multiply together to get an algebraic expression. Putting back into brackets

    Expand – Multiply to remove brackets

    Solve – The find a value, or values, that makes an equation true

    Single Events

    Probability – The chance that something will happen

    Event – One (or more) outcomes of an experiment

    Relative Frequency – How often something happens divided by all outcomes


    Ratio – A ratio shows the relative size of two or more values

    Equivalent – Having the same value

    Simplify – To make it as simple as possible

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support in solving inequalities follow this link:

    For extra support on relative frequency follow this link:

    For extra support on sharing using a ratio follow this link:

Half Term 6

Surds, Translations and Vectors, Pythagoras’ Theorem 

  • Surds

    Simplify surds

    Multiply and divide surds

    Add and subtract surds

    Translations and Vectors

    Manipulate vectors

    Translate shapes using vectors

    Use translations, reflections and rotations to complete multi-step transformations

    Pythagoras’ Theorem

    Apply Pythagoras’ Theorem to find missing lengths in a right-angle triangle

    Find the length between two co-ordinates

    Apply Pythagoras’ Theorem to functional problems

  • Surds

    Surd – A number that cannot be simplified to remove a square root

    Simplify – Make as simple as possible

    Square Number – The number we get after multiplying an integer by itself

    Translations and Vectors

    Vector – a quantity having direction as well as magnitude (size)

    Translate – To move a shape without rotating or flipping it

    Transformation – Changing a shape using rotations, reflections, enlargements or translations

    Pythagoras’ Theorem

    Pythagoras’ Theorem – In a right-angled triangle a2+b2=c2 where a and b are the shorter sides and c is the longest side (the hypotenuse)

    Hypotenuse – The side opposite the right angle in a right-angled triangle. The longest side of the right-angled triangle

    Line segment – A straight line with end points

  • You can search for extra questions and hint videos on the following website: In the ‘independent learning’ section of the website, you can search by keywords or use the clip numbers from the end of unit assessments in students’ books.

  • For extra support on surds follow this link:

    For extra support on translations follow this link:

    For extra support on Pythagoras’ Theorem follow this link: