Year 8
Half Term 1
The Origins of Popular Music: Work songs
Pupils will begin their investigation of the origins of Popular Music by composing and performing work songs and through associated listening activities.
Key Vocabulary:
Work songs, Call and Response, Structure, Rhyming Couplets
Pupils will be able to:
Compose their own work song lyrics using rhyming couplets
Perform their work songs in small groups using call and response structure.
Disciplinary Knowledge:
Compose lyrics using rhyming couplets and a call and response structure.
Understanding of the importance of Work songs in the development of other popular musical styles.
Listen to a wide variety of musical genres (Spotify, YouTube etc. are great tools to support this) and encourage opportunities to see live music making in action where possible.
Encourage your child to continue their musical studies beyond the classroom. Wakefield Music Services provide both individual and group lessons should your child wish to learn to play an instrument or develop their vocal skills.
Encourage your child to join in with the music department's extra-curricular programme. The department offers a wide range of activities for pupils of all levels of musical experience including the Ossett Academy Orchestra, Ukulele and Guitar Groups and Choir.
The story of the transatlantic slave trade
Half Term 2
Popular Music: The Blues
Pupils will continue their investigation of Popular Music by performing Blues music and through associated listening activities.
Key Vocabulary:
12 bar blues, improvisation, walking bass, triad
Pupils will be able to:
Understand the 12-bar blues structure and perform it.
Use the Blues Scale to play improvised melodies on keyboard and other instruments.
Perform Blues music in a class ensemble performance
Disciplinary Knowledge:
Triads and chords and how to play them on the keyboard.
How to develop an ensemble performance using the 12-bar blues structure.
Listen to a wide variety of musical genres (Spotify, YouTube etc. are great tools to support this) and encourage opportunities to see live music making in action where possible.
Encourage your child to continue their musical studies beyond the classroom. Wakefield Music Services provide both individual and group lessons should your child wish to learn to play an instrument or develop their vocal skills.
Encourage your child to join in with the music department's extra-curricular programme. The department offers a wide range of activities for pupils of all levels of musical experience including the Ossett Academy Orchestra, Ukulele and Guitar Groups and Choir.
Further information about The Blues and an opportunity to hear some performers who have been inspired by the genre.
Half Term 3
Oss-Fest Rondo Form Composition
Pupils will develop skills in composition using Logic Pro X software and develop their knowledge of compositional techniques.
Key Vocabulary:
Rondo Form, The Elements of Music (texture & timbre etc.), genre
Pupils will be able to:
Compose using a variety of techniques and employ them successfully in their own music.
Develop an understanding of Rondo Form and how it can be used in composition.
Disciplinary Knowledge:
Use music software to develop successful compositional ideas in a variety of genres.
Use loops and play in their own ideas to create a coherent composition in Rondo Form
Listen to a wide variety of musical genres (Spotify, YouTube etc. are great tools to support this) and encourage opportunities to see live music making in action where possible.
Encourage your child to continue their musical studies beyond the classroom. Wakefield Music Services provide both individual and group lessons should your child wish to learn to play an instrument or develop their vocal skills.
Encourage your child to join in with the music department's extra-curricular programme. The department offers a wide range of activities for pupils of all levels of musical experience including the Ossett Academy Orchestra, Ukulele and Guitar Groups and Choir.
Further develop composition ideas using available software e.g, Chrome Music Lab of GarageBand etc.
Half Term 4
Popular Music: Rock ‘n’ Roll
Pupils will continue their investigation of Popular Music by performing Rock ‘n’ Roll music and through associated listening activities.
Key Vocabulary:
Rock ‘n’ Roll: 12 bar blues, walking bass, triad, structure
Pupils will be able to:
Develop skills in keyboard work to perform well-known Rock ‘n’ Roll songs.
Perform Rock n Roll in a class ensemble performance.
Disciplinary Knowledge:
Learn to play a variety of different songs from the Rock ‘n’ Roll era including some based on 12-bar blues
Develop an understanding of the importance of Rock ‘n’ Roll’s influence on other popular musical styles.
Listen to a wide variety of musical genres (Spotify, YouTube etc. are great tools to support this) and encourage opportunities to see live music making in action where possible.
Encourage your child to continue their musical studies beyond the classroom. Wakefield Music Services provide both individual and group lessons should your child wish to learn to play an instrument or develop their vocal skills.
Encourage your child to join in with the music department's extra-curricular programme. The department offers a wide range of activities for pupils of all levels of musical experience including the Ossett Academy Orchestra, Ukulele and Guitar Groups and Choir.
Further information about Rock ‘n’ Roll and an opportunity to hear some performers who have been inspired by the genre.
Half Term 5
Film Music
Pupils will develop their skills in composing using software to create music to represent fictitious characters and their own music soundtrack for a scene from a film.
Key Vocabulary:
Film Music: triad, pedal, ostinato, chromatic, dissonance
Pupils will be able to:
Compose using a variety of techniques and employ them successfully in their own music.
Develop an understanding of film techniques and recognise these features aurally
Disciplinary Knowledge:
Develop compositional ideas to represent fictional characters.
Use a variety of film techniques to develop a musical soundtrack for a given film scene.
Develop an understanding of how the elements of music can be used to depict characteristics and set the scene.
Listen to a wide variety of musical genres (Spotify, YouTube etc. are great tools to support this) and encourage opportunities to see live music making in action where possible.
Encourage your child to continue their musical studies beyond the classroom. Wakefield Music Services provide both individual and group lessons should your child wish to learn to play an instrument or develop their vocal skills.
Encourage your child to join in with the music department extra-curricular programme. The department offers a wide range of activities for pupils of all levels of musical experience including the Ossett Academy Orchestra, Ukulele and Guitar Groups and Choir.
Compose Yourself – a series of videos including ‘Composing a silent film soundtrack’
Chrome Music Lab
Half Term 6
Popular Music: The Beatles
Pupils will continue their investigation of Popular Music by performing the music of The Beatles and through associated listening activities.
Key Vocabulary:
The Beatles: chord/triad, structure, the Elements of Music
Pupils will be able to:
Develop skills in keyboard work to perform well-known Beatles songs.
Perform the music of The Beatles in a class ensemble performance using a variety of musical instruments
Disciplinary Knowledge:
Learn to play a variety of different songs from The Beatles’ repertoire using a variety of chords and chord patterns
Develop an understanding of the importance of the music of The Beatles in the development of other popular musical styles.
Listen to a wide variety of musical genres (Spotify, YouTube etc. are great tools to support this) and encourage opportunities to see live music making in action where possible.
Encourage your child to continue their musical studies beyond the classroom. Wakefield Music Services provide both individual and group lessons should your child wish to learn to play an instrument or develop their vocal skills.
Encourage your child to join in with the music department's extra-curricular programme. The department offers a wide range of activities for pupils of all levels of musical experience including the Ossett Academy Orchestra, Ukulele and Guitar Groups and Cho
Further information about the music of The Beatles and an opportunity to hear some performers who have been inspired by the genre.