Year 9
Half Term 1/2
Rock Band Workshop
Pupils will develop their performance skills using a variety of rock and pop instruments including learning to play classic riffs on the bass guitar and rock beat and fills on the drum kit.
Key Vocabulary:
Riff, fret, bass drum, snare drum, hi-hat cymbal drum fill etc.
Pupils will be able to:
Practice and perform well-known bass riffs with backing tracks and in-class ensemble
Practice and perform the rock beat (and fills) with backing tracks and in-class ensemble
Disciplinary Knowledge:
Perform a variety of different riffs on the bass guitar.
Perform a rock beat and fills on the drum kit
Develop an understanding of rock music techniques and recognise them aurally.
Listen to a wide variety of musical genres (Spotify, YouTube etc. are great tools to support this) and encourage opportunities to see live music making in action where possible.
Encourage your child to continue their musical studies beyond the classroom. Wakefield Music Services provide both individual and group lessons should your child wish to learn to play an instrument or develop their vocal skills.
Encourage your child to join in with the music department's extra-curricular programme. The department offers a wide range of activities for pupils of all levels of musical experience including the Ossett Academy Orchestra, Ukulele and Guitar Groups and Choir.
Additional support and opportunities for home-learning
Bass Guitar riffs
Drum Kit
Half Term 3/4
Gaming Music
Pupils will use music software to investigate compositional techniques associated with the genre and compose their own soundtrack to a section of game.
Key Vocabulary:
ostinato, glissando, pedal, drone, dissonance, and other compositional devices.
Pupils will be able to:
Develop compositional ideas to represent on-screen actions.
Compose using a variety of techniques and employ them successfully in their own music.
Use a variety of techniques to develop a musical soundtrack for a given section of a game.
Disciplinary Knowledge:
Develop an understanding of how the elements of music can be used to depict characteristics and set the scene.
Listen to a wide variety of musical genres (Spotify, YouTube etc. are great tools to support this) and encourage opportunities to see live music making in action where possible.
Encourage your child to continue their musical studies beyond the classroom. Wakefield Music Services provide both individual and group lessons should your child wish to learn to play an instrument or develop their vocal skills.
Encourage your child to join in with the music department's extra-curricular programme. The department offers a wide range of activities for pupils of all levels of musical experience including the Ossett Academy Orchestra, Ukulele and Guitar Groups and Choir.
Additional support and opportunities for home-learning
The History of Music for Games
How to compose music for video games
Half Term 5/6
Rock School Ensemble Task
Pupils will experience a variety of Listening, Composing and Performing activities to develop skills in ensemble performing using the bass guitar and drum kit and other classroom instruments.
Key Vocabulary:
ensemble, riff, rock beat, reading music from TAB or bass clef, drum notation etc.
Pupils will be able to:
Further, develop skills in performance including bass guitar and drum kit skills learnt in Term 1
Perform as part of a class ensemble.
Disciplinary Knowledge:
Playing individual parts in an ensemble
Application of the elements of music and key musical vocabulary to a given musical stimulus.
Listen to a wide variety of musical genres (Spotify, YouTube etc. are great tools to support this) and encourage opportunities to see live music making in action where possible.
Encourage your child to continue their musical studies beyond the classroom. Wakefield Music Services provide both individual and group lessons should your child wish to learn to play an instrument or develop their vocal skills.
Encourage your child to join in with the music department's extra-curricular programme. The department offers a wide range of activities for pupils of all levels of musical experience including the Ossett Academy Orchestra, Ukulele and Guitar Groups and Choir.
Additional support and opportunities for home-learning
Bass Guitar riffs
Drum Kit